Thursday, 14 February 2013


 My people my people!!!Happy Falentines day to all of una ooooooo!!! how are you guys spending the val?hmmmm...judging from the kind of stuffs my readers like seeing and reading on my blog,I can imagine!!!As for me....em...em...(clears throat),...lips sealed!!!hehehehehehehe
Back to serious matters now,how many of you guys buy water from "Meruwa(s)"(mobile water suppliers)????Ok ooo...this piece is for you,so read on!

I was on my way to court today,when suddenly I noticed that there was a naked mad man walking ahead of me(he is arrowed in the first picture)...and further ahead of the mad man was a Policeman that was heading towards me(he is also arrowed).Ofcourse this is a normal sight in Lagos,so most people just avoided him and walked on.
But it seems the mad man wanted some attention...or should i thirsty??He stopped beside a trolley filled with kegs of water...obviously owned by a Meruwa who was nowhere to be found!!!He took his time and opened the covers of the kegs and SPAT inside them one by one and everybody just walked on!!!Even the Policeman(pictured)just gave him a casual glance,laughed and strolled on...and this incident happened some few meters away from AREA F Police Station...hmmmmm
The Meruwa finally surfaced from where he went to and overpowered the mad man with the help of another Meruwa.
...and what happened after that?The Meruwa simply covered the kegs(he picked the covers from the floor) and moved on.I couldnt help but wonder what would happen to the user of that water that has been spat into...some people drink the water obtained from Meruwas(thats the water they give you to drink in Bukateria for example) because it is presumed that they got it from a good source(Borehole)...yeah,but Meruwas are Abokis and we all know how stupid and nonchalant Abokis can be!!!So please,be careful and stop buying water from these mallams!!!!
Okay,back to Vals you know how I am going to spend mine?...See them,dem wan do ofofo!!!Dont worry,I would post the "tape" for you tomorrow...hehehehehehehehe

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