This one is for the ladies – I heard about a store in Dubai, UAE that sells products that can get you the kind of curves you’ve always dreamt of. You want one like Jennifer Lopez’s or Nicki Minaj’s? You could get Shakira’s for less than Dh60 (about N1,100).
It wouldn’t have been so cool telling you about this if I didn’t know most of you ladies are dying to shop in Dubai if you haven’t-most of the ladies I’ve met lately are regular Dubai shoppers.
The shop, Dragon Mart sells ladies’ products ranging from a Dh25 vírginity soap that promises to tighten muscles, to a Dh60 (about N2570) gel that claims to push your ‘hip up’, dozens of dubious products are selling like hotcakes at various outlets of the ladies’ shop.
“Our vírginity soap has honey extracts and is very effective,” said a salesperson suggesting it be used at least twice a day to get its benefits in about two weeks.
Firmer b*ttocks, he claimed, could take a bit longer, as one needs to apply the gel for about a month. None of these products conforms to health stipulations.
But retailers swear by them. Ask them if the products have any side effects and the standard response is: “No. It’s all herbal.”The ‘no side-effect’ claim is repeated for almost every ‘miracle’ product you enquire about, whether it be the ‘super slim bomb’ tea or ‘slim bomb’ capsules, or stuff you can eat or drink to target specific body parts like your belly, b*ttocks or thighs.
“You can lose even 13-14kg a month with this tea,” boasted a petite salesgirl, claiming she had herself used the tea.
There is however a warning you must read before you get on the next plane to Dubai; the Ministry of Health has urged residents to exercise caution while using herbal products as some of them might contain harmful chemicals.
Several weight loss products were taken off the shelves in recent times after it was found they contained adulterated substances.
Dr Anil Awatramani, general practitioner at Unicare Medical Centre said: “One should be aware of the efficacy or side effects of any product that one is using.
“As a doctor, I would not personally recommend products without knowledge or evidence about their efficacy or side effect,” he warned
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