Tuesday 5 March 2013

SHOCKING: Mother Stabs 7 Year Old Daughter 31 Times Before Committing Suicide

What sort of madness is that, if she wants to die, let her die, why attempt to kill that small girl. Lord of mercy, that girl survived the 31 stab wounds?

It was revealed today that the doctor who stabbed her seven-year-old daughter 31 times before killing herself had a major confrontation with her relatives in the weeks preceding her suicide. Victoria Vovchik, 45, told a friend that her relatives were 'all dead to me now' after a massive falling out. Vovchik was discovered lying dead in the master bedroom of her New City, New York home when the father of her daughter came to pick the girl up. The daughter, Ava Sangavaram, was found lying nearby but in spite of her significant injuries, she was 'alert and responsive' when emergency crews arrived on scene.

A number of details surrounding the life of Dr Vochik are mysteriously missing as investigators try to explain how she could have brought herself to harm her daughter and then kill herself. It is unclear whether Dr Vovchik and her daughter's father, Dr Kristappa Sangavaram had ever married, but they were not together at the time of her death.

Dr Sangavaram was the one to call police on Thursday as he arrived at the home to pick up the girl. Dr Sangavaram, 68, did not live with Vovchik and their daughter, but co-owned the home. Though she remains in critical condition, he seemed hopeful on Thursday night, telling Newsday: 'Be happy that she's going to be fine. Thank God she's alive. She's going to be OK.'

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